Task 12

Dear Future,

There is something that has been on my mind for quite some time now. When I think about what the future will bring us in a few years, I feel anxious. This is because technology is taking over our lives. People are losing interest in books, because new digital developments take their significance away. I think books are very important pieces of our history and society. At first, because reading books is really important for our education. You can't compare it with learning on a computer, because the information on the internet is not always correct. Books are always checked for mistakes before they are published, and are therefore more reliable. Secondly, reading a book gives you a feeling that no iPad or ebook can replace. You can get lost in the story, live in another world for a moment. If you finish a book, you get the feeling like you really accomplished something. At last, paper books are yours for life. They last for a long time, and they can also be physical reminders of your memories. The feeling of having an actual book in your hands, in which you can underline words or fold pages, is a whole other experience than reading books online. In conclusion, books are very important for us, but also for the generations to come. Books are the past, but they can also be the future; if we let them.



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