Task 2

I chose the second part (lines 258 - 610) of the story: "A hero arrives"

1. Which character did you choose and why?
Grendel, the evil demon that attacks the Herot and eventually fights against Beowulf. I think he (or it) is a really interesting character and also important for the story. He is different than the rest of the characters, and I am curious why he acts this way and commits all these murders.

2. Write down as many characteristics about you character as possible.

Grendel is a man-eating, horrible, possessed monster demon whose gender is unknown. He is described as "insensible to pain and human sorrow". His occupation is mostly killing Danes, feed on the corpses of his victims, and attacking King Hrothgar's mead-hall every winter for twelve years long. He is merciless and will never show any remorse. His appearance is never exactly described by the narrator.

3. Write an interview and give full responses.

1) How would you describe yourself in one sentence?
I am a lonely and jealous creature, mostly motivated by anger, but I can be sympathetic and have human feelings.

2) What is your relationship to the biblical Cain?
My mother and I are descendants of Cain's clan. In the Bible, Cain kills his brother Abel The Eternal Lord out of jealousy. We had to pay a price; the Creator had outlawed us, and condemned us as outcasts.

3) What has been your biggest attack on the Danes?
I think it was that time when I kidnapped thirty Danes from their resting places. They were just going to bed when I grabbed them, took them to my lair and slaughtered them. I was really angry at the moment because the neighbours were making a lot of noise.

4) What is your main reason for attacking the Danes?
Every night, I hear the Danes singing songs about God's creation of the world. This annoys me because God rejected me from the society, and made me an outcast. I hate it when I hear the warriors laugh and sing because it reminds me of my own loneliness. They have a real brotherhood and I want to be a part of them, but I can't.

5) Why did you attack the Herot?

I was jealous that the warriors are so close to each other. They live in harmony and they are like brothers. Sometimes I feel lonely, like an outcast. I wanted to express my anger and rage by attacking the Herot.

6) But why did you keep attacking them, for twelve winters long?
I kept hearing the sound of laughter while I was sitting all by myself, which made me very angry. Also, no one was able to stop me. I am a really powerful creature.

7) What are your feelings about killing people?
My main motive for killing is loneliness, but killing Danes can also bring me joy. I happen to love violence and my anger beats all my other feelings. I also don't pay the death-price; a treasure that I should give to the Danes, to make reparations for the lives that I have taken.

8) What is you main goal in life?
At first, it was to end the laughing and singing from the warriors in the mead-hall. Later my goal was to kill Beowulf, my enemy.

9) How were you killed?
When I was planning to attack the Herot again, Beowulf fought me and eventually managed to rip my arm off, leaving me mortally wounded.

10) What people do you attack, and when?
I kill always at night, and I kill young and old people; their age doesn't really matter to me.


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