Task 3

1. What is a pilgrimage? Do you think pilgrimages still take place?

A pilgrimage is a long journey made by an pilgrim. It often has a religious or spiritual purpose. They go to a sacred place, that is really important or has a special meaning to them. They do this as an act of religious devotion, and to pay their respects.

I think pilgrimages still take place nowadays, and is relevant in our lives. Sure, the 'modern' pilgrimages have changed in some aspects from the traditional pilgrimages. It is probably not only about religion anymore. But people today are still traveling to go to places that they feel like they have a connection with and get inspired by.

2. Look for (at least 5) facts about Thomas Becket.

- Thomas Beckett was born on December 21, 1118

He was born in Cheapside, Londen

- His best friend was Henry, later to become King Henry ll of England
- He also served as chancellor to King Henry ll

Thomas became archbishop of Canterbury in 1162

- Beckett was made a saint in 1173 and became an important focus for pilgrimage (http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/becket_thomas.shtml)

- He was murdered in his cathedral on December 29, 1170 by the knights of Henry ll
3. Look at the added videos and explain - in your own words - what the tales are about.I looked at the added videos; The Wife of Bath, The pardoner and The miller.

The Wife of Bath:
One day, a young knight of King Arthur rapes a beautiful maiden. King Arthur and the court are outraged, and demand that the knight should be beheaded. But the queen of King Arthur proposes him a challenge; the knight has to find out, within one year, what women want the most in the world. If he succeeds, he gets to keep his life. The knight travels, asking women all around the world what they desire most. The answers are all different. Then he sees a few women dancing around a fire. When he gets closer, they disappear. Only an old lady is still there. She is willing to give him the answer, if the knight promises to do everything she says. He does this, and eventually returns to the court, where he gives the right answer. The old lady asks him to marry her, and he can't refuse. He is really sad that night, and the old lady asks what's wrong. The knight is ashamed that he has such an ugly wife. The old lady gives him the option; she can be beautiful but unfaithful, or ugly but faithful. The knight says: "Do whatever you think is the best", and she turns in a beautiful and faithful wife.

The Pardoner:
Three friends pass the funeral of their other friend. They promised their friend to get revenge on this person, so called "death". They searched every neighbourhood, but they couldn't find him. Then they questioned this old men, who said that they could find "death" by that tree a little further away. When they arrived, they saw eight bags of gold, and immediately forgot about "death". They decided to wait till nightfall, so it was less suspicious. They sent their youngest friend to get food and drinks. While he was gone, the other two friends planned to stab him, so they could split the money. But the third friend also plotted against them and got two bottles filled with poison. When the third friend got back, he got stabbed and died. The other friends celebrated with a bottle of whine, which was poisoned and so they also died. So they eventually found death anyway.

The Miller: The host asks if anyone thinks they can beat the previous story of the knight. Miller, who is very drunk, announces he is going to tell a story about a carpenter. John (the carpenter) is married to this young girl Allison, and rents his room Nicholas. Nicholas falls in love with Allison, and together they trick her husband. They tell John that there is a flood coming and that he must build three boats. At night, Allison and Nicholas sneak away. Absalon, Allison's other admirer, notices she's gone and goes to their room. He begs for one kiss, but instead Allison extends her rear end out the window. A day later he returns with a red-hot poker and asks for a kiss. Nicholas farts in Absalons face, but Absalon sticks the poker up his arse.

4. Select one of the 3 tales and write a letter with a problem and a matching response.
Dear adviser,

Yesterday afternoon, when I was preparing dinner, the school called me. They informed me that my daughter, Lucy, was in trouble. At first she didn't want to share her toys, not even when her friend Alex asked her politely. Later that day, she refused to give Robin a piece of her cake, even though the teacher said she had to share it with a classmate. I don't know where this is coming from, because I raised her not to be greedy. Could you please help me find a solution?

Kind regards,

Answer:Dear Sanne,

It's a good call that you asked for my help. Greediness is not a great quality! But of course, it can also be unlearned. I personally think that Lucy is really protective of her stuff. To get her to share more, it's important to set a good example yourself. If Lucy sees that you share your candy with her, it's more likely she does it herself next time. Good luck!

Your adviser


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