Task 10

Find the meanings of the following expressions:
  • For want of asking.
    Not having any questions.
  • Upon my word.
    I promise / swear, you have my word.
    It's also used to express surprise.
  • Connect yourself well.
    To adjust to someone.
  • Pray do.
    Please just do it.
  • Be left quite to your own powers.
    You have to figure it out yourself without anyone helping you.

    Answer these questions:
  • What is the main purpose of the letter?
    It was a marriage proposal, so the main purpose is to ask her to marry him. 
  • What is Emma’s opinion of the language and style of the letter?
    She thinks the letter was written good, even much above her expectation, because there were almost no grammatical errors. Even though it was short, it expressed good sense. The language was strong and unaffected.
  • What is Emma’s opinion of the writer of the letter?
    Emma thinks he is, without doubt, a sensible man with natural talent, but she doesn't know if she can fully trust him. She also doesn't know for sure is he really loves her.


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