Task 9

It was a sunny afternoon in late June. I was staying at a hotel near the beach in Portugal, with my family. My sister and I decided that it would be fun if we hired a boat, so we looked it up on the internet. "Only 20 dollar per hour!" she said while running to my mom. "Alright, but don't forget to put on suncreen!" Half an hour later we sailed away from the beach, into the tranquil ocean. Dad was steering the boat, while also looking at the map. We were going pretty fast, when suddenly we hit a gigantic rock. The boat was totally wrecked, and right after, a big wave hit us. I gasped for air, and when I came out of the water I didn't see anyone anymore. The only thing that I saw was a small island, about thirty meters away from me. I was exhausted, and when reached the island I fell right asleep.

When I woke up, my skin felt burned, and my lips tasted salty. "What happened?" I thought. "Am I dreaming?". I looked around, and noticed that I was surrounded by enormous palm trees. I felt something climbing up my leg, and I wanted to scream, but my mouth was dry. It was a little red crab. I started walking, and I wondered what happened to my family. Would they still be alive? The island was beautiful, with all kinds of exotic plants and trees. However, the silence was giving me some creepy vibes. I noticed that I was getting hungry, so I walked towards the little ‘jungle’ to see if there was anything to eat. I saw some coconuts, but they were way too high for me to reach. Suddenly I stopped walking, because I heard a noise coming out of the bushes. I felt my heart racing, and ran back to the beach. I needed to figure out a way to get off this island! I started screaming; “Help!” “Help me please!”. I noticed it was getting darker. What time would it be? I figured that I had to eat something, so I kept looking. After a while I found some red, shining berries. They tasted bitter. The sun was setting quick, so I decided to make a campfire. I learned that the smoke also keeps wild animals away. But when I went looking for branches, I heard the noise again. I immediately ran back to the beach and quickly made a campfire. I tried to get some sleep, but I constantly had the feeling as if i was being watched…


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