Task 13

1. A young boy asks his mother if he can go downtown to march the streets of Birmingham for freedom. His mother won't let him go because she thinks it's too dangerous, and suggests that he goes to the church instead. When his mother is getting ready to go to church, she hears an explosion. She is crying and calling for her child, but she only finds his shoe.

2. copy of the poem:
The rich are getting richer
Their golden goblets are overflowing
Drenched with best that life can offer
Their future is ever so bright
Illuminated by their multimillion bank accounts
Their rides are ever so shining
Polished by the best butlers

The poor are drowning in poverty
Their hopes plunged into a dark abyss
Overpowered by the weight of capitalism
Their dreams submerged in hopelessness
Their hands full of bread crumbs
They scramble among themselves
Pushing and shoving one another
Drenched in a layer of bitterness
Death is never too far
From their battered life

Inequality, the monster in the room
Conceived in the womb of capitalism
Incubated by a new generation of Elites
Grows unhindered in the streets of the world
Threatening the existence of billions of people 

This poem is about the differences between the rich and the poor. It shows that money has a negative impact on the equality of people.

I selected this poem because has a really clear and powerful message. Inequality between rich and poor people is becoming a bigger problem, and humanity needs to do something about it!


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